
Saturday, October 1, 2011

So much to share today!

I have so much to write today! But not a lot of time to do that, soooo I have to make this one quick!
First of all, you all know I came home to visit for the weekend. The eating and such, not going awfully, not going great, BUT I went shopping with my my mom  yesterday, and I bought a TON of stuff, including a brand new, beautiful leather jacket, which I am only going to allow myself to wear as a reward for losing 10 lbs! :)
Also on my shopping trip, I bought two cute new bathing suits because... big announcement coming up.... (drumroll*) I'M GOING TO CUBA! Right after Christmas, with a couple of my friends, the trip was booked yesterday (literally an hour after I bought the bathing suits actually). We'd been talking about doing this trip for a while, and so I bought the suits because they were SO cute and I didn't want to miss out, and then an hour later my friend called to tell me she'd booked it!
Anyways, The suits are a tad too small, which will force me to lose the weight I want to in order to look amazing on my trip!
Finally, Beth posted on her blog that she was thinking about doing the ABC Diet starting on Monday. I think that this is a great idea, and I'm going to join in and I thought I would just mention it here too in case anyone else wants to join!
But I must run now, stay strong! xo


  1. youre on, baby doll!

    See you Monday :) and support may be important!

  2. Thanks love, I'm actually superrrr excited for this! I'll shoot you up an e-mail tomorrow sometime while I'm prepping :)
