
Monday, October 17, 2011

25 Things

As per request of Beth; 25 things about me. See if you can do it too!

1.  I’m the most creative, and the least creative person you will ever meet. Ask me to come up with something for a purpose (ie. Halloween, art project, etc)- I’ve got genius ideas. Ask me to come up with 25 things about myself, or give me a broaddddd topic to write an essay about and I can’t pick a topic for the life of me. 

2. I’m a redhead- Contrary to popular belief, I like to think that I have a soul-but it’s probably only because I collected them and won them in bets during my childhood/teen years (I like to plan ahead)

3. I love sports, and I’m crazy athletic in the more dangerous ones- I get a thrill from rugby, hockey, I’ve snowboarded for 14 years, and almost died/broken bones doing all of these sports because I like to follow the rules of “Go big or go home”- when I was young and taking snowboard lessons, I was the only girl in a freestyle class of all boys, that’s something that my instructor taught me- I had to be like one of the guys in order to make it with them. It worked great

4. I forgive too easily. I used to think that I was a real hardass and could hold a grudge to the end of time (and I can in some cases) but when it comes to people who have really hurt me, I mean really done damage, I forgive them way too easily. I can’t really explain it other than the fact that its usually the ones that are the closest to me that do the most damage, and of course they’re the ones I miss the most and want to forgive.

5. I love the smell of fire smoke, but I can’t stand it when someone blows their cigarette smoke in my face, especially when I’m running by them during a workout

6. I’m really dedicated to my workouts, I love to run, and with my ED it’s almost compulsive for me: I once ran a 5km race (and had my best time ever) with 2 broken ribs and a broken wrist.

7. I’m really opinionated, which makes me a bad friend because I’m often not willing to compromise. I often don’t realize I’m being a stubborn mule. I’m usually the dominant personality of my friends, so I usually end up getting what I want – which is baaaaddddd

8. I love the fall, it’s my favourite season. I love that it’s not sweating hot out, but not freezing cold either. I love the smell of crisp leaves on the ground and I love the colours that my town turns. Also, Halloween is my favourite holiday, even topping Christmas.

9. I’m a crazy Marvel nerd. I would do anything to meet Stan Lee, the man is probably my idol. I’m definitely the most knowledgeable person I know about the X-Men, which is funny because boys always try to impress me with what they know and I just shoot them down with my hardcore knowledge- I find it hilarious. They get embarrassed because they were out comic-ed by a girl.

10. My favourite food in the entire world is French fries dipped in a frosty from Wendy’s. Lots of people tell me that I’m gross for that combination, but I love it- combo of salty and sweet, it’s perfect. But it has to be Wendy’s- other fast food places don’t hold a candle to it.

11. My favourite/ lucky number is 11

12. I say willies instead of rainboots, I can’t pronounce the word “inevitable”- for me it comes out with “m”s in it

13. I’m terrified of heights, but I love the thrill that the fear gives me, so I often find myself in high places with no way down.

14. I’m easily distracted, easily excited but not easily impressed, although I’ll always be polite about it.

15. I’m ready for the rest of my life to begin. I’m tired of school, I’m tired of searching for who I want to be, and I’m ready to just be.

16. I’m an artist, I love to draw and paint. My best portraits are drawings and my best paintings are scenery- I inherited this from my great grandmother who was a scenic painter. The only person I’ve ever had a terribly hard time drawing is myself- I’ve never gotten it right.

17. I love the smell of fresh lilac, but not when it’s bottled. My favourite flowers are lillies and bleeding hearts.

18. I stutter when I’m nervous or tired and I stress easily over life, not school.

19. I’ll be the best friend you ever had, and the worst enemy you’ll ever encounter. I’m the friend that will go out in the line of fire to take bullets and back you up, but if you’re on my bad side, I’ve been known to make people miserable.

20. I love the colour green

21. I use words like “ace” and “cants pyjamas” in daily talk, I mostly listen to music from the 80s, I’m an 80s teen at heart, even though I’m a 90s baby.

22. I’m bilingual, but when I get frustrated, upset or just highly emotional, I switch to French and don’t usually realize I’m doing it (this also happens when I’m drunk). I also speak fluent sarcasm and can decipher drunk texts.

23. I’m hemophilliac- when I bleed, I bleed a lot and for a long time- but I don’t get the crazy pain and bruising that usually accompanies hemophillia

24. I love musical theatre, but I could never date a musician again- I fell hard and fast when I was young and haven’t successfully loved another musician

25. I live my life by the wise words of the Frizz- “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy”- it’s worked well for me so far, and for the most part, I have no regrets.


  1. You are SO much like me and SO funny!! hahaha I just love the shit out of you.

    I speak english, german and spanglish, but I have a VERY american accent and when I am really pissed off and yelling at someone or even just talking very angerly, I somehow pull an accent out of somewhere.. It's strange, really.

    I also have a fav/lucky number. What is the reason for yours? Mine is '5' because I was born 05/25/85 at 5:45pm on the 5th day of the week. I am 5'5 and usually weigh around 115lbs. My shoe size is also 5. I am also the 5th sign (being a Gemini) I'm weird, I know.. you love it.

  2. I'm a thrill seeker like you!! Loveeee that adrenaline rush, and I'll do stupid things to get it.

  3. ahaha Beth, 11 actually started out as the hockey jersey number of someone really close to me and he convinced me to wear his number when I started playing myself. From then on, whenever I wasnt able to wear that number, I had a miserable year (asshole coaches, team problems, etc).
    Plus, years later, it's now somehow become my house number haha completely by fluke! But yeah, no mystical reason behind it like yours and 5... that's just fuckkked that 5 is in your life that many times!

    and haha Haley, I know I looove ittt!
