
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 16!

oh today, today today.
Today went well, and I'm really happy about it!

I had basically my entire 200 calorie allotment all at once around lunchtime, but whatever. I was cold and had just gotten home, and I went into the kitchen to make myself a tea to warm me up, but instead I opted for a hot chocolate with a bit of whipped cream which equals about 190 cals. But hey, it was deeeeelishhhh. Best decision I made all day!

In the evening I went for a lonnggg run because I was feeling a bit antsy, that took jsut over an hour (-750 or so) , followed by my workout (-300) and I did my usual power walk to school in the morning (-248)

Sooo, the total:
In: 200cal
Out: -1298
Total: -1098

Super excited to fast tomorrow, plus kickboxing class again, which will be fun!

Now, onto the bad news. I didn't get a part in RENT, but ohhhhh well! I'm still going to volunteer to help out backstage and such, hopefully with costume design or prop design or something, since I looove that kind of thing.

But I must get off to studying. I apologize in advance if I don't post again until Thursday night, but I have midterm examinations and such that I must put on top priority!

Love yous!


  1. HOLY FUCK! girl, you are kicking ASS!! you starting to make me look bad. :)

    Sorry about Rent. You should have been Mimi!! Not that you look like a stripper.. or HIV+ hahahaha

    Well, at least you are looking up about it. I got a gym memebership!! Yeah, this fat girl, right here..

    I'm going to LIVE at the gym.

  2. ahaha I actually would've loooved Maureen. I could never be Mimi since I can't hit her high ass notes, but still, it would've been fun. Oh well, c'est la vie, there's always next year!

    Congrats on the membership! now we can live at the gym together... but separately.. haha
