
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

LAST EXAM! in T - 4.5 hours

So excited! My last exam is tonight 7-10! wish me luck! I've been studying all day, but I just cant anymore (and I'm not even through the material yet... so I'm basically screwed)

Also found out today that I'm coming down with some good ole fashioned strep throat... which is a pisser because it means that all of my awesome work on the ABC diet and all that restricting is going to go to hell for the next week. It's not that I eat a ton when I'm sick, but I know it isn't a good idea for me to follow the ABC limits while I'm trying to get better... I've made that mistake before, never again. And unfortunately, when I am sick with a fever and such, all I want to eat is creamy tomato soup, ginger ale with sugar added and crackers... but since it's strep, that means that I might as well add banana ice cream on top of that because it's all I ever want when my throat is all closed up and feeling shitty. And yes, I don't eat a lot of any of this, I'm still good at doing it all moderately, but still it adds up, sosadddd, and the Halloween party is only 3 days away! I need to get better! I just do!

Anyways, back to studying! Hope everyone is awesome!  xo


  1. aww I'm sorry that suck! Feel better soon!!!

  2. good luck!!! Hope you gets better! **

  3. good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I hope the exam went well! Get well soon. :) xx

  5. Thanks guys! I think it went well! fingers crossed for marks
