
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ever get that feeling?

That feeling like you feel like shit after eating. No, I don't mean in the emotional, "ugh I've disappointed myself again and now I feel like shit" feeling, but the one in the pit of your stomach like "ugh I'm so full I feel like I might explode" feeling. I get that feeling All The Time. Seriously. I could have an apple and get that feeling. I think my stomach is so used to restricting that when I eat it just kind of hates me. Tonight it's worse than usual because I'm home for the weekend and obviously had to have family dinner, but I'm noticing this feeling in my stomach and I kind of just made this realization. Obviously emotionally we all like the empty feeling better, but I'm pretty sure physically, the empty, "I'm hungry" feeling feels better than the "full"-ish feeling too, at least for me it does. Which is good, because it definitely helps with the restricting.

In other news, I lost 2lbs this week (in and amongst all of the stress of studying for my 2 exams!) Sooo, gameplan? Keep it off this weekend and lose more next week! Good plan, right?

Finally, just as a shoutout because I'm super excited, I want to thank kes for being the first person evarrrr to comment on here. Soooo, Thank youuu!
Have a good weekend everyone! (oh yes, my weekends start Thursdays because I don't have school on Fridays! ahahaha)


  1. You are doing amazing, love! Keep your chin up. You are wonderful.

    P.S. You are following my cover up blog, this is my hidden one.

    Stay Strong.

  2. Good job! Thats totally fantastic. Keep it up. And yes feeling hungry its much more pleasant than feeling full. <3 stay strong
