
Monday, January 9, 2012


Good Afternoon Class,
Today we're going to learn about SOUP :)
Soooo I'm stupid and may have given you the wrong name of the soup I use, but NOW I have pictures so you all know what to look for if you're interested! (*please, please, hold the applause)
Sooo this is what it looks like: it's super delicious, and it's "30 calories per 1/4 pouch" and each pouch calls for 4 cups of water... soooo logistically, it's 30 cal per cup of soup (OR you can use more water, annnndddd less cals) also, 0 fat :D yay team!

Anywhoo, it's been pretty quiet around here, I'm a bit better, still headcoldish though, so I'm a gloomy gus, but I've been doing good with a) the intake and b) the scale avoidance. Classes started again today, and it fucking SUCKS, but I'll deal. Night class tonight (BOOOOO) So I MAY post more during that depending how hard/long/boring it is!

But this has to be a short post because I have shit to dooooo! (Unfortunately no, that does not include a workout today... boooo maybe tomorrow but probably not because I'M DYING AND DONT WANT TO MOVE)  And, my life's not that exciting anyways (kiddingggggg) lol so catch you all laterrrr!

PS: for Sam, I thought you'd like this- It was my desktop background for a really long-ass time along with a few others but that was a different computer sooooo here's this one to make you smile


  1. haha love you! (class comment made me laugh) but thanks so much for that pic! ill have to get me some of that soup! it looks delicious! i love soup esp with veggies in it!

  2. Sounds like a lovely cup `o soup.

    I hope you do get to feeling better soon!! GET YOUR FLU SHOT!!

    love you. :)

  3. i LOVE soup! It fills you up w/ like almost no calories!:D lol hope the class goes well and ur cold gets better!<3

  4. OMG. i used to have that thing's cup soup. it's cup soup is like 56/60kcal per does that even work.
    we all peed our pants.
    that brand of soup we don't really have here D;. i take the huge cans of Baxters though. so 140-240 calorie soup that i have as a meal.
    LOL @ avoiding the scale. <3 + yay for calories!
    OMG. that desktop background.
    that epsiode.
    omg. those people.
    .......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
    -Sam Lupin
    PS. you are responsible for reincarnating me. alright?

  5. i've had that stuff! about a 5 on the yummy factor though..
