
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

some updates

Last week was terrible. Awful. I cant even explain the lack of motivation I've had last week, and as a result, I feel gross and am disgusted with myself. BUT Sunday I managed to turn everything around, which is a feat, because  I usually fail miserably at the whole "weekend thing". This week is going to be a good week. I can feel it. I have a couple of exams and such, but I can make it through the stress without eating. Studying will keep me busy and give me something to do.

In other news, there's this boy... haha yes, I've got a huge crush like a little schoolgirl. One of my old friends from highschool has recently re-entered my life (for future, we will call him Ducky) and you could say I'm smitten. By the looks of it, he's interested too, but me and my self-sabotaging believes that I can't make anything work with him until I'm happy with myself. My first goal is coming up (Halloween) and funnily enough, that will be the next time that I get to see Ducky. This means I'll be stepping up my game so I can have to confidence I need next time we see each other! I've decided to give the lemonade diet/master cleanse a try, mainly because I've got a busy week and a bit coming up, and I think that knowing exactly what I'm to eat (drink) will be so much easier on my brain while I'm working on these exams.

Master cleanse day one (yesterday) went fairly well but I caved after my night class last night, but I'm determined to try again and make it work from today until the 14th (with some breaks on weekends because Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up next week!)

Thanks to Skeleton Strong and her Halloween Weight Loss Contest, I'm a lot more motivated now for Halloween.

I will be thin. I will make this work. I will be happy again

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