
Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello From the Road

Hey Guys,
So here I am, in Ottawa, and I just really needed to post some of my frustration... because I can't say it out loud to anyone here...

So... this picture (below) is HAUNTING me

Dayummmm Jessica Alba, you FOINNEEEE

But seriously. WHY are you so gorgeous. All of my guy friends seem to be OBSESSED with this picture. The guy that I'm in this complicated relationship with has it as the background on his computer, its his roommate (another one of my good friends)'s background on his cellphone, and now here, in Ottawa, it's a poster on a wall of the apartment that I'm staying in
It's so frustrating.
Why can't I look like that... I feel like I'll never be good enough unless this is what I look like, and it's because this picture seems to be EVERYWHERE.

Don't get me wrong, she is gorgeous and deserves to be worshiped, but its just upsetting because clearly all of the guys in my life want something like that, but they're settling for less because they can't get it...

GAH. Not a good start to the weekend...


  1. jessica alba sucks ass.
    i'd rather have you, my baby. :D
    aren't i just the helpless romantic?
    plus, i can't see that pic. it's banned in my country. the hell?! 0___0
    -Sam Lupin
    PS. the weekend will get better! hopefully! :)

  2. u can totally tell that the pic's photoshopped. and even less, guys have such @*#&)!* minds...and cliche yes, but even if they do "worship" her they're just lusting after her body and seeing her as a sex object. Not an actual human being worth loving and cherishing, although they will treat her nicely its only because shes so "hot". theres nothing about the actual PERSON that they like. i mean they dont even know her! if she didn't have that body who'd give a crap abt her? u on the other hand are loved for YOU, not what u look like, and honestly I'd feel a lot more secure in that. stay strong beautiful<3

  3. omg leigha, I understand you so much. I feel the exact same way because one of my ex boyfreinds used to rant about how fine she is all the time. And you know what? It made me feel like shit. I'm not spanish. I used to think I was pretty, and then It was like oh wait. NOT. So I feel you.
