
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Motivation Like No Other

Alright sooo, today I restricted like crazy, went to dinner and had a wrap (fairly good in cal, I'm content with today) but I did sweet F-All when it came to exercise because I was busy hanging out with ma soeur for the day.

Anywhoo, at the end of the day, guess who we got to have a dinner date with? The amazing Ducky, of course. Soooo went to dinner, super exciting, he was so super cute, lots of hugs, really sociable, never ran out of anything to talk about, it was great! He also managed to slip into conversation an invite for himself to come visit me at the end of the month (yep, HE INVITED HIMSELF! I'm so excited! That's got to mean something right?) It was super awkward haha he kinda just sneaked into the conversation some questions about where in town the busses come to and how often and such and I'm like hmmm "why do you ask?" and he was just like "oh in case I were to come down for a night or something to visit?"  SUPER CUTE!

After dinner we drove him home and he invited us inside for a tour of his house, then we eventually left after deciding that he's coming to visit at the end of November/ first weekend of December... which means I have a new 25ish day goal from today to get looking my best! I know it's not my style and such to loose weight for a guy, but I know he does just like me for myself and it kind of just motivates me like crazy to get to where I want to be!

EDIT: oh also, Ducky is like a foot or so taller than me, (HES SO TALL) but he's super skinny and I always feel like I'm going to break him in half (you know, when I sit in his lap and such ;) - oh love those times) so I always feel so embarassed when we hang out together, which is the main reason I want to "loose weight for a guy" its more that I don't think I can handle being with a guy who I'm afraid to snap in half

So unfortunately I couldn't fast this weekend with my sister here, then dinner with Ducky and such, so because Beth was fasting Friday-Monday  and I was going to do it with her (but couldn't) I plan to just fast Sunday-Wednesday. It's the same number of days, it'll be a great way to kickstart this new excitedness on life that I have anddddd yeah! That's about it for today!

I actually can't stop smiling! haha

I hope you're all having as great of a night as I am!

Love yous!


  1. men and their stupid faster metabolisms....sigh. I wish I had a freaky fast metabolism. oh well. Glad you're doing well :)

  2. awww how cute! I always feel like I'm too fat to be with skinny guys though, like I'd hurt them if I were sitting on them or something. Or they wouldn't be able to lift me up...ughhhh

    So happy that you're happy!!


  3. oh man Haley I know! It's so scary, hence why I NEEEEEDDDD to be skinny now haha
