
Thursday, December 22, 2011


I know I just posted like 20 seconds ago, but after posting, I checked my grades for my finals a few weeks ago, (marks are supposed to go up tomorrow) AND THEY'RE UP NOW!
I did well on all of my finals
happiest person alive right now? PRETTY MUCH!
anyways, goodnight loves! <3


Aka parking my ass on the beach and soaking up as many rays as possible while reading the Hunger Games (I've heard it's good!)

Anyways, I hope all of you lovelies are doing wonderfully!
Oliver had surgery yesterday and is doing just splendidly, he's sleeping at the end of my bed as I type this.

I've decided that because I'm a scaredy-cat little bitch, I'm not going to weigh myself again until FEBRUARY 1st! My thought process- I'm afraid to see how much I've gained in the last 5 days, by the time I get that weight fixed through restricting and exercising like a mother fucker, I'll be bloated and all "time of month"-pissy, so I just don't want to know, and then when that ends, I'll be in CUBA  scratch that, mother fuck bitch fuck fuckkkk! As I typed that I was like... wait... I go away in 5 days.... I still have 2 days left of the pill before I get my period... GODDAMNIT! sooo it looks like I'll be lapping over my packs this month and hoping for the best (last time I tried that, it didn't work, but I've got to at least TRYYYY) sooo I'll still be all bloated and confused body and shit, fuckkkk mylife. ANYWAYS- then after my trip, I'll be a scared little bitch and not want to know what I weigh (actually I'll be dying to know, but I'll probably freak out if the number goes up so I'm just going to avoid it altogether by not touching the scale)- Then I'm going to go ahead with my plan and go all kamikaze on my ass so that when I weigh myself on the first I'll a) be proud, and b) have a week before my birthdayyyy to make myself even prouder :)

Divine plan, yes?
Anywhoo, that's all for now, it's bedtime, I'm hitting the mall tomorrow to pickup something for my father (FML I know, Mall- 2 days before Christmas- I'm insane) then having friends over for drinks and such in the evening soooo, in case I don't post again before then: Merry Christmas Everyone! <3

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ultimate Game Plan?

I've been having a pretty hard time with restricting since coming home yesterday morning. My mom is always around, and it's so hard to make up excuses not to eat while she's watching. Yesterday I was in too much pain to exercise and today was pretty much the same, plus I'm sickyyy today, so I just didn't do anything. Fortunately I didn't go over 1000cals today, but still... I weighed myself this morning first thing, and from yesterday I had gained 2lbs! ugh what the hell! I know it's all just water weight because I didn't exercise, ate a lot and didn't really drink much water, but still... SO ANNOYING!
Tomorrow I'm determined to get back on track!

I've also decided that when I get back from my trip, I'm going to put every fiber in my being, every ounce of my willpower to reaching my UGW by spring break. My Birthday is just before the break, so I'd prefer to be at my UGW for then, but I`m giving myself a little extra time, just in case. I figure this is a pretty good plan, since it`ll be the first month back to school, so I won`t be going crazy trying to study or write a million papers, and I'll be able to focus more on restricting, fasting and exercising. Also, hopefully there will be lots of snow, so I can play outside a ton! I'm also going to focus more on my art during that month and instead of being bored and watching TV (which makes me eat)- I'm going to focus on painting! I'm hoping to god this works, I want this so badly!

Today's been pretty stressful, but tomorrow I'm going away for 3 days (so I won't be able to post! sorryyyy!) -that means I won't be able to run/exercise, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to restrict though!

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well! I'm going to go get ready for Dexter! Goodnight all! <3 xo

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today: notsomuch

Well today wasn't exactly one of my proudest days-
It started with last night- I got into a fight with the guy I've been seeing, and that carried over to today- in fact, I'm still fighting with him right now over it. It's stupid and I'm hurt about it, but it's my own fault and I should be smarter than I have been.
I headed home today, and on the way, my friend and I stopped at a coffee shop and we got fully loaded candy cane hot chocolates and chocolate chip muffins (aka like 900 calories) then some baked treats from my friend's mom, then my dad brought home a cheeseburger from McDonalds (aka like 400 calories)
AKA fuck my life.
Also, I'm in so much pain from my workout yesterday that I can't walk down stairs haha Idunno what I did, but it hurts so good, buttt I couldn't run  today either.
So anyways, I kinda hate myself, BUT right when I was about to have a late night binge sesh on a bunch of shitty food (aka reese puffs cereal) I decided, hey, I'm going to check blogs while I do this. THANKFULLY I read Stillimagining's latest post, and it really inspired me to NOT binge, (and I didnt!) Anyways, as much as I'd love to match her goal to loose 15 more lbs by the 30th, I cant think that's realistic with me being on my vacation with buffets and unlimited alcohol, but I'm going to get back on track tomorrow and work my ass off!
-Tan (gotta get a base so I don't die a ginger death down south- don't judge me! haha)
-Christmas shopping
-Solve my life problems
-Restrict, restrict, restrict!

Bah, I'll keep you all posted!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Everything rolled into one

Hey Ladies!

Well here I am, as promised with some updates, pictures, and the like...
It's not as early as I'd hoped, but I've been busy at home and I've been filling all my free time with exercise (yay me!)- my mom bought an elliptical a few years back and I've been putting it to good use while on my Christmas break (especially since it's been raining so much and it's really colllddd brr)

Sooo, still waiting on my final grades, I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that ;) and thanks to everyone who wished me luck! I really appreciate it! <3

So I hope everyone is doing well! 11 days until I leave on my trip! And I've been working my little tail off at getting down like 5 more pounds before I go! I know I can do ittt! :) except tonight wasn't exactly a good night, I had a work party, and we all had Chinese food- now I was pretty good, I ate mostly broccoli-packed dishes, and small portions, and ONLY ONE HELPING (unlike everyone else) haha but still its fatty fat fatttyyyyyy and there were little sugary nibblys for desert that I just couldn't help eating (ah, my weakness!) but, it's Christmas, and I'm determined to stay positive! As much as I'd love to reach my UWG, I've decided that as long as I don't gain a single pound over these holidays (including on my trip-which will be crazy hard)- I'm proud of myself. Holidays are the worst with all the food, and the family watching your every move. UGH! - but, I'll breath.
Also, I found this link today that I thought I'd share with all of you, a lot of it is common sense and tricks many of us already do, but I figured, hey might as well give a refresher for anyone who gives a damn ;) sooo you can find that link HERE!

Sooo what else is new... I bought a bathing suit for my trip today... I don't really want to talk about it size wise... SOMEHOW my boobs got BIGGER! HOW IN THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN! I've lost 15 pounds in the last couple months (yay me) yet somehow, my boobs have gone UP a cup size (but my band size has gotten smaller (again, yay), but still, WHAT THE HELL!  Sooo I bought a semi cute suit that will have to do because nothing else fits my monstorous boobs. And trust me, It's not lucky! Big boobs make you a) look bigger all around, unless your waist is the size of a toothpick (see: barbie)- she looks great with big boobs because she's TALL and has a TINY WAIST: I unfortunately, am neither. Secondly (b), boobs= MY MOTHERFUCKING BACK HURTS ALL. THE. TIME.  Yeah. All the time. SOFUCKING annoying. And: I cant squish into small spaces because my boobs get in the way (haha): Needless to say,  Me and my boobs= love-hate relationship. On the one side, everything I just told you. On the other side they make me like... a solid 8 at least (there's gotta be a silver lining, right? haa)
-And yes, that was me, not wanting to talk about it haha

I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head that I need to report on at the moment, So as promised, MY BEAUTIFUL PUPPYYYY!!!! <3 love love loveee!

This is Oliver, my camera takes kinda shitty pictures because it's on my phone, but whatevs... sooo as you can see, hes adorable. But unfortunately, NOBODY wanted him! *huge sad face-->  :( * He was 6 months old and hadn't been sold so I kind of rescued him! :)
WHY did nobody want him you may ask? Simple. He's a maltipoo, and he doesn't look it... All of his brothers and sisters, looked like this (colour and all)

Note the RED colour (not all of his brothers and sisters were this dark, but still) but Oliver's main problem was his curl: Maltipoos are supposed to be all curly and shit.. Oliver, isn't so nobody wanted him (so sad) BUT now he's mine :D and I'm super stoked about that! :)

Anywayysss, I'm pretty sure that's all I can think of to tell you guys for the moment, sooo I'll catch ya on the flip side! Love yous! Have some happy holidays! <3 xox

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Yeah okay, so it's 1:30am and I can't sleep, but I finished my last exam earlier this evening, so everyone, expect me to do mad ass kissing this next week!

First up on the list:
-Do some serious catching up on everyone's blogs! I feel like I've missed so much of your lives! ( I promise, I do try to read on study breaks, even if I don't comment)
-Do an overhaul on my page- yesireee: updating stats, changing things around layout-wise, POSTING, and putting up a picture of my beautiful little puppydoggg! :)

I DID HORRIBLY while studying for exams: I don't get it, I can exercise my ass off every day for a week and do fine with crazy restricting/ just plain fasting, but when it comes to the mental strain of studying and writing STUPID FINALS, I just can't do it! I just eat eat eat! I'm afraid to see how much I've gained in the last two weeks!  I officially head out to the sunny beaches of vacationland in 14 days, and I'm afraid of how my bathing suit is going to look! I'm not at my Christmas goal weight, I know that, and I'm going to do some fasting tomorrow and Thursday, and hopefully weigh myself on Friday so that's when I'll know where I'm at, but gahhhh freaking out! You should see the girl I'm going on this trip with! Her stomach, it's so.... FLAT! AND SHE DOES NOTHING TO EXERCISE! It's so irritating, she does NOT eat healthy, does NOT work out yet she has a rocking bod. I work my ass off and get this failure of a body, *breathe* soon. I will get there. Soon.
Anyways, sorry about the vent, freaking out a little about this trip, sooo, I'll catch you all later this week!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just a quick post,


I know, it's a little late, I got him last weekend, but I LOVE HIM! He is such a little sweetheart! And running around after him and constantly watching him for the past few days has made me forget that I'm hungry and I've list 5 whole pounds! without working out!

But, alas, the little guy goes to live with my parents today for a few weeks so that I can focus on finals.. which means that the workouts will resume promptly! yay!

Catch y'all after exams! xo